Your First Visit

Your first visit begins with a simple conversation. Our informal interview tells me a lot—important family history, dietary habits, childhood experiences, even lifestyle details you wouldn’t imagine could affect your health. It’s like a detective story—we actually try to go to the scene of the “crime” to understand where things have gone wrong. This history includes a timeline of medical, mental, emotional, and physical milestones. We’ll talk about personal goals, past health issues, current concerns, and the little things that make you the individual that you are. No two patient treatments are the same—your needs are very much your own. This information helps me determine which natural therapies (homeopathics, nutrients, detox procedures, etc.), lab tests, and other diagnostics are likely to move you to better health.
Physical exam includes vital signs, targeted physical, blood oxygenation
MaxPulse Accelerated Photoplethysmography and Heart Rate Variability for heart and blood vessel health as well as scoring stress and resiliency from an autonomic nervous system viewpoint
Body Composition Analysis: This reveals much more than BMI (body-mass index): we get research-grade information about lean body mass, body fat, the health of the membranes around all of our cells and organelles and the degree of hydration in the cells and outside of the cells.
Bio-Energy Testing, BET: This evaluation is sometimes deferred to a couple of days later, revealing a lot about lung function, energy production, metabolic rate, how well the body burns fat, oxygen utilization at rest and while exercising – an important measurement of how youthful and healthy your body is, providing clues about how to get better.
Electrodermal Screening or EDS: Restore healthy cellular communication which involves molecules and laser-like photons which carry information through our own fiberoptic "internet" within (also known as as qi, prana, or vital force).
Report Card: We create a first 'report card' so we can monitor progress over time. We support suitable drainage to facilitate the safe exiting of extracellular toxins. Drains in our bodies include liver, kidneys, bowels and lymph. We also prescribe essential nutrients and strategies to improve gut and microbiome function.
Educate and provide encouragement!: We are amazingly put together and it is possible to activate healing by nourishing, balancing and cleansing the body and by providing psycho-emotional support. We also identify any other diagnostic or therapeutic needs. Achieving and maintaining wellness is a team effort. My goal is to allow YOU to take control of your health… with me acting as a guide.
We provide you with the correct molecules, energy, and information to unleash the healing power of nature within you. By focusing purely on health, symptoms and diseases often fall by the wayside. The removal of toxins reduces inflammation and allows for better functioning of enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters.
In practice, we attempt to nourish, cleanse, and balance. We take the necessary time and care and have the technology and expertise to know what to work on, and in what order. During your first visit, the first three of the following elements are worked on. Typically, the other issues are addressed subsequently. This allows us to create a healthy foundation on which to build.