Why Naturopathic?

We strive to use natural approaches that do no harm. A fortuitous side effect: other health issues often fall by the wayside.
Centuries Old, Yet Right For Today
Rooted in rich global traditions widely practiced throughout Europe, naturopathic medicine has experienced a powerful resurgence in the U.S. More people are now aware of the healing effects of good nutrition, physical fitness, the role of stress in our lives, and the mind/body connection.
Individualized Treatment
Overall wellness is the goal of the naturopathic physician. We use patient history, including nutrition, stress, environment, and psychological factors. Physicals and lab tests are performed not only to diagnose illness but also to determine health. We prescribe individualized treatments. and strive to deal with underlying causes. Through nourishing, balancing, cleansing, and repairing we can unleash your healing power of nature.
Medical doctors (MD) complete four years of med school and a residency program. Dr. Schweitzer (ND) completed four years of naturopathic med school, is licensed and board certified, and received further specialty training. Like in conventional med school, naturopaths are trained in basic medical sciences during their first two years. The second 2 years of training focus on natural approaches that are safe and non-toxic, plus pharmacology, minor surgery, and family medicine from pre-natal care to geriatrics.
Yes, We Also Partner With Western Medicine
Naturopathy has become an excellent healthcare option; often complementing conventional care outcomes. This symbiosis is termed ‘Integrative Medicine.’ Naturopaths value all medical science, readily referring patients to other physicians for diagnostics or treatment when appropriate. What matters are good patient outcomes.
Dr. Schweitzer has great respect for all practitioners, especially those regularly saving lives in hospitals. Shockingly, the U.S. is ranked 37 in health care despite spending the most per capita. Our system needs an infusion of practical knowledge and clinical experience that helps people to get healthier. Our natural therapies include nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, physical therapy, hydrotherapy, exercise, counseling, lifestyle education, and botanical medicine. We use powerful approaches to assist the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine and nervous systems. I invite you to explore these options.
Symptoms and names of diseases are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Where do drugs, surgery* and natural therapies** excel? How do we figure out this iceberg for a given individual? What, how, and when do we treat?
Underlying causes, triggers, co-factors, and therapies impact inflammation and health—BELOW the surface: